These days, all of the new computers come with SSD drives as an alternative to HDD drives. You’ll notice superlatives to them all over the specialized press – they are a lot faster and perform far better and that they are the future of desktop computer and laptop computer production.

Then again, how can SSDs fare in the hosting community? Could they be efficient enough to replace the successful HDDs? At COMNATER, we’ll help you better comprehend the differences in between an SSD and an HDD and decide which one best suits you needs.

1. Access Time


A result of a radical new method of disk drive performance, SSD drives allow for noticeably faster data file accessibility rates. With an SSD, data accessibility instances are much lower (just 0.1 millisecond).


HDD drives even now use the same general data file access concept that’s originally created in the 1950s. Even though it was considerably enhanced since that time, it’s slower as compared to what SSDs will offer. HDD drives’ data access rate varies between 5 and 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


Thanks to the same revolutionary approach enabling for speedier access times, you too can enjoy far better I/O efficiency with SSD drives. They can carry out double as many procedures within a given time in comparison with an HDD drive.

An SSD can handle at the least 6000 IO’s per second.


All through the very same lab tests, the HDD drives turned out to be significantly slower, with 400 IO operations handled per second. Even though this seems to be a good deal, for people with a busy server that hosts lots of well–known web sites, a slow disk drive can cause slow–loading sites.

3. Reliability


SSD drives lack any sort of rotating elements, meaning there’s far less machinery in them. And the fewer literally moving parts you will discover, the lower the prospect of failure can be.

The regular rate of failure of an SSD drive is 0.5%.


To have an HDD drive to function, it needs to spin a few metal disks at more than 7200 rpm, keeping them magnetically stabilized in the air. They have a great number of moving parts, motors, magnets as well as other tools loaded in a tiny location. Consequently it’s no surprise the standard rate of failing associated with an HDD drive varies in between 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives are considerably smaller compared to HDD drives as well as they do not have virtually any moving components whatsoever. This means that they don’t make as much heat and require less electricity to work and much less energy for cooling reasons.

SSDs consume between 2 and 5 watts.


HDD drives are renowned for being loud. They require extra electrical power for cooling down reasons. On a server which has a number of HDDs running regularly, you will need a great number of fans to ensure they are cool – this will make them a lot less energy–efficient than SSD drives.

HDDs use up between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


As a result of SSD drives’ greater I/O efficiency, the leading server CPU can easily work with data file requests faster and conserve time for additional procedures.

The normal I/O delay for SSD drives is only 1%.


When compared with SSDs, HDDs permit reduced data access speeds. The CPU must lose time waiting for the HDD to come back the requested file, scheduling its assets in the meantime.

The normal I/O delay for HDD drives is about 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


It is time for a few real–world illustrations. We, at COMNATER, ran a full system backup on a server using only SSDs for data storage reasons. During that process, the common service time for an I/O call kept under 20 ms.


In contrast to SSD drives, HDDs provide considerably slower service times for I/O queries. In a hosting server backup, the standard service time for an I/O query varies between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


Discussing back–ups and SSDs – we have observed a substantual enhancement with the back up rate since we turned to SSDs. Today, a typical web server back up takes just 6 hours.


Over the years, we’ve made use of primarily HDD drives on our web servers and we’re knowledgeable of their effectiveness. With a hosting server designed with HDD drives, a complete server backup typically takes around 20 to 24 hours.

With COMNATER, you will get SSD–driven website hosting solutions at affordable prices. The hosting plans plus the VPS servers contain SSD drives automatically. Apply for an account with us and watch how your websites can become much better at once.

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